Wednesday, 8 January 2014

8/1/2014: Write off

Craig and I spent the majority of the day apart today. He stayed home in the warm, kicking the cold in the butt - and I ventured down to the Whistler Medical Clinic to try and fix my poor sore ear. Appointments weren't available today but they had some walk-in spots free - so I sat down for what I was told could be at least an hour wait. An hour and a half later I found myself in the doctors office and another 45 minutes after that I finally saw a doctor. As I thought, I have an ear infection. I got a script and headed to the drug store. Filled my script - to be told it was going to be an hour wait. No problem, I went and grabbed groceries and something quick to eat. Came back an hour later "Your script hasn't been done yet." - Okay. So I then sat for another 55 minutes in the drug store waiting for my ear drops.

The best part about today was walking to the bus stop in the falling snow, getting home and having dinner with Craig.

1 comment:

  1. On the plus side you have drugs which will hopefully clear up the infection. :) Here's to a better day tomorrow. Nic x
