Spent the bulk of the day today walking around Whistler village with Nic while she's up here visiting us. Poor Craig has been struck down with the dreaded lurgy that I had down in Vancouver last week - so he opted to stay at home today. We went down to the village and went to "Peaked Pies" which is an Australian Pie shop that opened up here six months ago. They were so delicious. Definitely recommend for those Aussies who are feeling a little bit homesick. We then walked around the shops for awhile... trying on shoes and looking for a wrap for the wedding for me (VERY expensive up here in the village) - we ate Ice-cream from Cows in -3C temps and got lots of funny looks and comments from people that were walking past us. We then headed back to the condo to put dinner on - but forgot Salad so we had to go back out. In what we had hoped would be a quick round trip took over an hour! Ouch. Came back to a cooked lasagne. :) Ate dinner, went in the hot tub and then went to bed.
Side note - saw that there were some pretty severe storms at home last night - hope everyone is okay.
Setting up the jump for Sunday's "Fire & Ice" show |
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