Monday, 13 January 2014

13/1/2014: Meetings

We woke up at what is becoming our usual time to get up (9am) and went down to the grocery store to stock up on some essentials. Came back to the hotel and I made us breakfast. After watching some TV we got ready and headed into the village to sign some paperwork at the Hilton and then went and met our amazing photographer Anastasia. Had a bit of a chat about the running of the day and what sort of photos we wanted to have taken.  Have been given some homework tonight so I'm sitting here searching for photography locations in Vancouver, and writing out our wedding service for our officient too.

For dinner we went to the Spaghetti Factory. Our old faithful friend. 

The hockey is on in the background right now (Canucks vs LA Kings) and we've just got off skype with Ress and baby Vice. We cannot believe how big he's getting Ress!

All going well, and depending on if we get any fresh snow overnight (it's predicted) Craig and I want to attempt to get up the hill tomorrow. Speaking to the locals... Sunday and Monday are the busy days for lessons on the hill, so hopefully it's a bit more quiet up there tomorrow and we don't have to ski around too many ski schools on the hill (or, avoid being taken out by out of control beginner skiiers - we all started there, but holy cow it's scary when you have one coming at you out of control!)

The best French Onion Soup EVER at the Spaghetti Factory
Skyping with Ress and Vice - little man :-)

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