Friday, 3 January 2014

3/1/2014 - Hiking and photography

Craig and I woke up quite late today. After cooking us breakfast we put on our warm gear and headed down into the village to replace my GIANT Sorel 'Lifty' boots with something a little lighter and a little more chic. After going into several stores we went into Columbia where I found the most awesome shoes ever. I can definitely recommend these winter boots to girls who are looking for something that is waterproof, light and warm.

Before we came to Canada this trip, Craig was googling 'Whistler's Hidden Secrets' and came across the Whistler Train Wreck. He thought it'd be an awesome thing to do and a pretty cool photography mission. It was a beautiful sunny day so we thought it was a good opportunity to do the hike (there's also not too much snow on the ground at the moment so it would be easier). 

We caught the bus down to Function Junction where we got onto the "Flank Trail" which would take us down alongside the Cheakamus River, train line and Highway 99 to the Whistler Train Wreck - in 1957 or 1958 a train derailed south of Whistler and today it is home to 'Spray Art' and is also used by trail bike enthusiasts. It is a 6km return hike amongst some amazing huge cedar trees, waterfalls and the rushing creek. If you can get up here when the paths are clear - we can highly recommend the hike. It was pretty eerie down there.
After our hike we walked around the corner to the Whistler Brewing Company for some hot food and cold drinks. Craig tried the grapefruit ale which he said was delicious. While we were waiting at the bus stop (where I was freezing my butt off - Craig took video for everyone to prove how cold I was) we made friends with a local that had just been filmed for a ski movie by a company that won at the Whistler Film Festival last year, and he offered us a ride up to marketplace. Certainly beat waiting around in the cold for the bus which we weren't 100% sure was going to turn up where we were waiting.
So, finding ourselves up at Marketplace - we went to IGA and grabbed a few things for dinner and then headed back to our condo.  The temperature dropped quickly once the sun disappeared and I found myself the coldest I have been on this trip so far. While the temps are in the negatives for the next few days (with clear skies) I'm definitely going to be wearing thermals when we go outside.

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