Friday, 10 January 2014

10/1/2014: Couch day

The highlight in a pretty uneventful day today: We were sitting watching a movie earlier, Stacey popped up on Skype and said that they were chilling at home with Anne and Allan... I suggested a Skype session. :-)

Anyone who would like to skype with us... I will leave my skype on while we are in the condo - If we're awake, we will answer. Add me (sandi.scully1121) and I'll accept your request if we aren't already friends.

Just quietly - BodyJam will be starting at home in 50 minutes. *sob*

Tomorrow will be a more exciting day for us. Grocery shopping adventures, plus SNOW is predicted to start falling tonight into tomorrow and Sunday - and we're spending the afternoon/evening with our Canadian friends... watching the Seahawks game and having some dinner. :-)

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