Sunday, 5 January 2014

4/1/2014 - Lazy day

Not much to report during the day - we spent the bulk of the day in the apartment. Got up around 9ish and I ran through some of my BodyJam chorey and went for a hot tub before Craig got up. Craig set up his snowboard for when we finally get up the mountain next week. There's a whole bunch of snow predicted for Whistler from late Tuesday onwards! We also watched some snow sports on TV including ladies and mens ski jumping. Our lovely AussieCanuck friend Nicole (from Brisbane) is coming up to visit for a few days - so at around 5pm we headed down into the village to collect her from Village Gateway. After dropping her bag off at our condo, we walked back into town in search of dinner and had a lot of trouble finding somewhere to eat at 7pm on a Saturday night (so - hint for those who are coming to visit, if you want to eat out it's advisable to book) --- ultimately we found ourselves at McDonalds. At least they had tables and small lines.
After that we made a quick stop at IGA to grab some snacks and supplies and came home and watched tv for awhile before going to bed.
Hey... I told you it was a lazy day!

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