Monday, 30 December 2013

30/12/2013 - Shopping in Burnaby - Phone purchased

Very short post for today. We tested out our bearings and caught the skytrain out to Metropolis at Metrotown out in Burnaby. This is BC's largest shopping centre.  We grabbed an egg timer for Craig (for his videos) and a phone... and had Nandos for lunch. Too bad I have the flu, otherwise we would have stuck around to explore.

We have a Canadian number now, so if you want the number just comment below with your email and I'll send it through.

Gave BodyPump a miss as my body is just too unwell to try and get through it.

Tonight we're having pasta in the hotel room and watching the hockey (Vancouver Canucks vs Philadelphia Flyers) - we put a bet on the Canucks to win.

Headed to bed early as we'd like to get up at 6am to skype with the Aussies who will be seeing the new year in 18 hours before we do. We head up to Whistler tomorrow!

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